Kamis, 25 November 2010


TELKOM is a public- listed company owned by the state (state-owned enterprise) whose shares are listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) and the Surabaya Stock Exchange (BES) and some overseas stock markets, namely the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), London Stock Exchange (LSE) and issued in a public offering without listing (POWL) in Japan. TIME business in this company have part of the way from execution to take care telecommunication such as telephone (fixed wireline, fixed wireless and celluler), data and internet, connection service and interkoneksi, with content/application. That striving obtain with focuss by parent although young company. In possition December 31 2009, common shares TELKOM have by govermment Indonesia Republic (52,47%) and rest have by stock holder Republic (47,53 %). To illustrate the implementation of the GCG in TELKOM, the examples of GCG implementations are grouped in accordance with the five key principles, namely transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility and fairness. TELKOM has determined three main strategic objectives: (i) achieving sustainable growth and profit margin, (ii) realizing value creation for stakeholders, and (iii) attaining quality excellence in product and services.

As an integral part of the community in which it operates, Telkom is highly committed to
the principles of Community and Social Responsibility (CSR) and to the implementation of programs that support these principles. This commitment is reinforced by a number of factors, including the following: increased pressure by the global community for the implementation of the principles of community and social responsibility; a growing perception on the part of management that CSR is an integral part of Good Corporate Governance; an increased demand on the part of global investors for the implementation of CSR; and preparation for the implementation of ISO 26,000 standards by 2008. In order to socialize a shared vision throughout the ranks of the Company, management has formulated a vision statement which states that the goal of the Company is to become a leader in the implementation of the principles of Corporate and Social Responsibility in Asia through the achievement of a mission which is defined as follows:
• To play an active role in improving the capabilities
of the community through education in the area of information and communication technology;
• To play an active role in improving the quality of life of all members of the community in which it operates;
• To play an active role in achieving sustainable environment management.
TELKOM CSR is an integrated part of company business strategy.
• Educating the society through InfoCom tecnology
• Improving community life quality
• Preserving environmental sustainability
As a pioneer of Corporate Social Responsibility implementation.in Asia
Loans Assistance Program Through its Partnership Program, Telkom channels funding and loans in two primary forms: soft loans with low interest rates, and grants, for the specific purpose of training activities and involvement in trade shows to assist in the marketing of products produced by small businesses. In 2006, the realized level of funding provided by Telkom was as follows:
• Loans amounting to Rp 93.0 7 billion, or 68.44 per cent of the target of Rp 136.00 billion set for 2006;
• Grants amounting to Rp 3.6 8 billion or 15.35 per cent of the target of Rp 24 billion se
As a go-public company, the demand for implementing the GCG is increasing. TELKOM is required to always comply with various terms and conditions issued by stock xchanges on which the Company’s shares are registered and listed.
All TELKOM employee must have and maintain work ethics which is the implementation
of ”Commited 2 U” principles;
• honesty,
• transparant,
• commitment,
• cooperation,
• dicipline,
• care, and
• responsibility

The core of the GCG policy is to enable the parties that run the companies to understand and implement their functions in accordance with their functions and responsibilities. The parties involved consist of the shareholders, board of commissioners, board of directors, heads of units and the employees. Komposisi karyawan TELKOM sampai dengan
akhir tahun 2006 dapat dilihat dari sisi pendidikan berdasarkan entri level (di luar pegawai yang mengikuti pendidikan mandiri). Dari 27.658 karyawan TELKOM masih terdapat sebanyak 1.355 karyawan yang berlatar-belakang pendidikan SD atau sekitar 4,9 persen, pendidikan SLTP sebesar 8,7 persen, dan pendidikan setingkat SLTA masih ter tinggi, yakni 35,9 persen. Sedangkan lulusan program diploma D1 s.d. D3 sebanyak 31,4 persen, S1 sekitar 16,3 persen, dan S2/S3 sejumlah 2,8 persen.


The Company social responsibilities can be broadly divided into seven main areas, these being: 1) partnership; 2) education; 3) health; 4) humanitarian assistance and assistance to those in areas affected by natural disaster; 5) cultural activities; 6) the provision of necessary services; and 7) environment.
1. Education: Activities and programs related to education are intended to improve the educational standards and to improve levels of expertise, general knowledge, and awareness amongst all stakeholders, including members of staff, their families, and members of the community.
1. Health: Activities and programs related to health are intended to improve the health and physical wellbeing of all stakeholders, including members of staff, their families, and members of the community.
3. Cultural activities: Cultural activities are intended to preserve and to foster involvement in and an appreciation of culture, arts, sport, religion, and other community activities that support the Company’s goal of implementing the values of good corporate citizenship.
4. Partnership: Activities and programs in this category are intended to strengthen relationships with individuals and parties with whom Telkom interacts, whether or not these individuals and parties are directly involved in Telkom’s core business. These activities are intended to benefit all parties.
5. Provision of Necessary Services: Activities and programs in this category are intended to improve the level of infrastructure and telecommunications services provided to members of the community.
6. Environment: Activities and programs in this category are intended to achieve improvements, both within the Company and in its external dealings, to support environmental management.
7. Humanitarian Assistance and Assistance to Those Afflicted by Natural Disasters: These activities and programs are intended to provide assistance to members of communities afflicted by natural and humanitarian disasters of various kinds. In broad outline, the strategic elements of


1 komentar:

  1. Malam mbak..
    Saya sangat tertarik dengan blognya..
    Saya boleh minta emailnya mbak rahma 'andira'.
    Ada beberapa yang mau saya tanyakan..
    Terima kasih
